Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Where is the largest library?

The United states Library of Congress in Washington, DC. Know what you want before you go there, because it contains over 134 million items. And don't get lost in the shelves- there are 575 miles of them. The first modern public library in the United States was in New Hampshire in 1833, and it had 700 books. The largest public library today is in Chicago, and it's stacked with 11.4 million books.

Hamgiin tom nomiin san haana baidag ve?

Amerikiin negdsen ulsiin Washington Dc hotiin Congressiin nomiin san yum. Tend ochihoosoo umnu yamar nom avahaa medej baih shaardlagatai yagaad gevel tend 134 say garui zuil turliin nom aguulagdaj baidag. Nomiin taviur dunduur tuuruhvii ene ni 920 km urt baina. Anhnii orchin ueiin niitiin nomiin san ni 1833 ond Amerikiin New Hampshire 700 nomtoi baisan .Unuudur hamgiin tom niitiin nomiin san Chicago-d baigaa buguud 11.4 saya nomtoi.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What is the world's tallest Statue?

A 394-foot statue of Buddha in Tokyo, Japan. Buddha, who lived from about 563 to 483 B.C., founded Buddhism, one of the great Asian religions. The bronze Statue that honors him is 115 feet wide, and as tall as a 40-story skyscaper. The statue took seven years to build, and was finally completed in 1995.

Delhiin hamgiin undur hushuu yu ve?

Japanii niislel Tokyo hotod Buddha -n 118 metr undur hushuu baidag. Buddha ni Asia-n negen tom shashin boloh Buddism-g anh undeslesen buguud manai erinii umnuh 563-483 ond amidarch baisan baina. Ene hurel hushuu ni 35 metriin urgun ba undur ni 40 davhar tenger bagandsan barilgatai tentehuits undur. Ene hushuug barihad 7 jil zartsuulsan buguud 1995 ond buren barigdaj duussan baina.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What is the most powerful muscle in my body?

Your jaw muscle- and it's because exercise makes muscles stronger. Talking and chewing exercise this muscle more than any other.

Bidnii bienii hamgiin huchtei bulchin yunii bulchin ve?

Chinii iruunii bulchin yum. Yagaad gevel baingiin dasgal hiisneer bulchin tomordog. Yarih bolon zajlah dasgal hiisneer ene bulchin busdaasaa iluu baidag baina.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Are all snakes poisonous?

No. Snakes have a bad reputation because of the few poisonous one. Of the 2,700 snake species, only about 400 are poisonous. Fewer than 50 kinds are dangerous to people. Most snakes will avoid people if at all possible. And most people will avoid snakes! The anaconda, weigning more than 500 pounds, is not poisonous but can squeeze the life out of a crocodile.

Buh mogoinuud hortoi yu?

Ugui. Tsuun heden turliin hortoi mogoinoos bolood mogoinuud ner hund muutai baidag. 2,700 turliin mogoi baidgaas 400 ni l hortoi baidag. 50 hurehgui toonii hortoi mogoinuud hund auyltai. Ihenh mogoinuud hunees zailshiideg bol ihenh humuus bas mogoinoos zailshiideg! Anaconda nertei mogoi ni 225 garui kg jintei horgui buguud matariig buh biyeree humin alah chadvartai baidag baina.