Why do honeybees dance?
To pass the word about food: The dance is a form of sign language. A bee that discovers a food source returns to the hive and dances, moving around and wiggling its rear end. Those movements tell other bees the direction and distance of thier next meal.
Yagaad balch zugiinuud bujigledeg ve?
Balch zugiinuud bujiglej hoolnii talaarh medeellee damjuuldag baina. Ene bujigeeree ted hoorondoo yarij ilgoltsdog baih yum. Zugii ih hemjeenii hool huns olohooroo uurendee butsaj iren bujiglej ergelden, neg zugees nuguu zug ruu, deesh doosh bolon yanz buriin uildel uzuuldeg. Ene hudulguunuuruu busad zugiinuuddee ali zugt hir hol gazar hool huns baigaagaa heldeg baina.
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