Why do plants have thorns?
Why do cacti have needles?
It's a jungle out there, and plants have to defend themselves. Thorns and needles are the weapons of the plant world. Any animal that takes a bite out of a cactus is not coming back for a second helping.
Yagaad urgamaluud urgustei baidag ve?
Yagaad Cactus ih urgustei baidag ve?
Utgun oi shugui baihgui gazar urgamluud uursdiiguu urgusuuruu gadnii nuluunuus hamgaaldag baina. Urgus ni urgamliin ertuntsiin zevseg yum. Yamar ch amitan Cactus-g hazaad 2 dahi udaagaa dahij irdeggui baina.
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